CAM Logo
  • Controllable Asset Management Mission Statement

    The Mission of the 91自拍 Independent School District Controllable Asset Management department is to provide support to all District students, staff, parents, and the community by ensuring that district controllable asset records are maintained in the district inventory database. This database will be maintained with the purpose of minimizing loss through routine auditing, supporting compliance for federal and state-purchased assets, and providing a central tracking system to all district departments for reporting requirements as necessary.

  • Campus Asset Manager Information

  • Campus Device Management Information

  • TIPWeb-IT Login Link

CAM Events

  • Cart-Based Device Management

    Posted by Lyn Wilkerson on 8/8/2024

    Carts should be assigned to each physical room they will be located in.


    Use the Room-to-Room function under Transfer Tools to assign them to their respective room.


    When you have completed that, you can add the devices to each cart using the Component function (see below).


    Search the tag number for the cart at the top of the screen.

    The Tag Information window opens and displays the tag details.

    Click on the Components tab.

    Enter/scan the intended Component device's asset tag in the Component Tag field.

    The tag for the Component device will be displayed in the "Components" grid.


    More information on the Parent/Component process is available .

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  • Student Device Collection

    Posted by Lyn Wilkerson on 5/2/2024

    Student Device Collection is coming at the end of the 23/24 School year.


    Audits have been created to collect the devices in TIPWeb-IT.  There is not a set date for collecting the devices.  This will be up to your campus based on the need for the devices in testing and instruction.


    Instructions and FAQs for collecting your student devices in TIPWeb-IT are provided in .


    You can also search in Cornerstone ‘Summer Student Device Collection’.



    If you have Seniors who are returning devices, those should be Quick Collected in TIPWeb-IT so that they do not show as assigned to the student when they graduate.


    Please review the that was sent out from EdTech on April 11.


    If your campus has not already designated a location within the campus where the collection will be physically stored, this needs to be submitted as soon as possible. (This was due by April 26th, )



    If you have any questions or need any further assistance please reach out to the Controllable Asset Management department


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